Who Are We?
Journey of Faith builds faith and provides hope through loving experiences in shared community and throughout the world.

Nurture & Care: Join the prayer line every Thursday at 6:30p-7:30p, with our prayer ministry and Pastor Stephen as we intercede on your behalf and the world’s. Prayer Line Info: (605) 313-4829 Code: 1091980#
For additional information contact: Mrs. Annie Orphe, Coordinator – ahorphe@yahoo.com
Weds. Bible Study:
10a Conference Call: will be conducted via our Conference Call.
Info: (712) 775-7035
Code: 3337078#
7p Virtual Class: will consist of cyber worship that will be viewed via:
JOF website: www.jofhumble.org (NEW!! Click on the YouTube link at the top of the screen for live experience or to go back and review archived sermons and bible studies).
FaceBook: https://m.facebook.com/JourneyofFaithUMC/?ref=bookmarks
Sunday Worship 10a: will consist of cyber worship (same as 7p Bible Study links above)
Journey Kids and TrailBlazer Youth Ministries Fellowship contact:
Tracy Bullard, Director of Journey Kids: tracy@jofhumble.org
Pastor Deneen Goldsmith, Director of TrailBlazer Youth: deneen@jofhumble.org
Family Ministries: Margaret Helaire, Coordinator: margaret@jofhumble.org
FaithLife Groups (small groups): will consist of cyber meetings.
Saturday 9a – Faithful Travelers: meeting March 28 via conference call
Sunday 9a – Seekers of The Word: meeting via Team Meetings (virtual)
Kingdom Men (2nd Saturdays): Conference Call Info: (712) 775-7035 Code: 3337078#
Contact Jeff Turner: officemanager@jofhumble.org
The Covenant Marriage Ministry (4th Friday’s): will meet via ZOOM Meeting (virtual)
Topic: The Covenant – Marriage Ministry Meeting (Kingdom Marriage by Tony Evans)
Time: Mar 27, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/805130065
Dial by your location: +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 805 130 065
General Information should be directed to: officemanager@jofhumble.org
Welcome to Journey of Faith Global Methodist Church of Humble, TX
I want to personally thank you for visiting our website. As the Lead Pastor of Journey of Faith, I pray that your life is forever impacted in a way that blesses even those that you encounter on your journey, as a result of your visit here.
Journey of Faith, is a growing multi-cultural church family in the Northeast Houston Metro Area that is impacting the landscape of the world as disciple makers, starting with our local community. We realize that prayer is one of our most undervalued tools for reaching a dying world, and we are committed to using prayer to confront that which does not line up with God’s will on Earth. Prayer is the cornerstone for how we at Journey of Faith are committed to engaging the world today, and how we will intercede for our brothers and sisters everywhere across our city, nation, and world.
Powerful worship and the preached Word of God are essential components of our weekly gatherings at Journey of Faith. We are a community that is passionate about our worship encounter with God through the Holy Spirit, and realize that our worship experience prepares us to receive Biblical preaching which empowers us to live more faithfully as we live out this journey called, life. For this reason, we are called to be the church that builds faith and provides hope through Christ-centered love.
— Pastor Stephen