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FaithLife Groups

What are FaithLife Groups?

FaithLife groups consists of individuals who have elected to travel the faith journey together in a small group.

  • Individuals are encouraged to participate in the FaithLife groups to grow with others of different life experiences.
  • Each FaithLife Groups meets for a cycle, which is normally 14 weeks.
  • We like to keep these groups small (4-8 persons) as this allows all participants to fully experience the core of our FaithLife Group's functions.

We meet monthly at various times and locations.
(Any questions? Contact information is below.)

Here are a few of our FaithLife Groups that you can inquire about now:


Journey Jewels

Women's Ministry

Journey Jewels is the Women’s Ministry here at Journey of Faith.  Our mission is to promote Unity through Sisterhood, and to nurture Spirit led relationships the embody the Love of Christ.  It is comprised of 5 female Groups that we categorized as the "5 Gems”.  

  • “The Diamonds”-  Ages 9-12 yrs
  • “The Rubies”-      Ages 13-18 yrs
  • “The Emeralds”-  Ages 19-34 yrs
  • “The Sapphires” - Ages 35-50 yrs
  • “The Pearls”-      Ages 51+

Times and meeting places will vary. Yet, some of the exciting activities
will include:

  • Small group sessions that will transform lives and remove strongholds (i.e., abuse, holiness, purpose, singleness, parenting, teen bullying, peer pressure).
  • Outreach opportunities to make disciples in ordinary places such as the home, shelters, the community, and workplace.
  • Fellowship opportunities such as etiquette classes, cruises, parties, and teas.
  • Educational seminars to enhance daily living such as safety, health, wealth, and networking opportunities.

As we fellowship as individual “Gems” and collectively as a community, we foster to re"LEASE" through Love, Engagement, Affirmation, Strengthen, and Empowerment.

For more information contact:


Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry at Journey of Faith nurtures relationship with God, through fellowship and brotherly love as we grow in Christ. Our objective is to encourage men to assume a greater leadership role in advancing the kingdom for God. One way we achieve this is through our FaithLife groups, which invite believers to grow in deeper relationship with Christ, and model Christ-like character personally, in the church, and in the world.

Send us a message for more information: