Partner With Us
As a part of our vision of being accountable Disciples who are making accountable Disciples, we need your assistance through tithes, offerings, and seed offerings to Journey of Faith. We invite you to partner with us to achieve our vision of making disciples for Christ who will make more disciples of Christ.
You are supporting service to minister the Word of God to thousands in the local Humble area, and throughout the world, to assist with mission projects throughout the United States and other countries.
In partnering, what you sow will be used to increase the outreach programs, ministries, and missions that spread the grace and Love of Christ to those in need. You play a key role by giving, as you make it possible to advance the Kingdom of God, through your monetary gifts to our ministry.
Members, we encourage you to give through our online payment system. If you are a visitor, guest, or friend of “JOF”, we hope you provide a monetary gift to support our ministry.
Thank you for helping us be the church that Builds Faith and Provides Hope, through Christ-centered Love.
Be a blessing now!